ANR-DFG Project: Quantum Dynamics for Interparticle Electron Capture

Inter-particle Coulombic electron capture (ICEC) is a recently discovered environment-enabled electron capture process by means of which a free electron can be efficiently attached to a system (i.e. ion, atom, molecule, or quantum dot). The excess electron attachment energy is simultaneously transferred to a neighboring system which undergoes ionization. ICEC has been predicted theoretically in van-der-Waals and hydrogen bonded systems as well as in quantum dot arrays. The theoretical approaches employed in these works range from analytical models to ab-initio electronic structure and dynamical calculations. A common assumption in these approaches is that nuclei remain fixed during ICEC. However, based on observations on the related inter-particle Coulombic decay (ICD), nuclear dynamics should play an important role changing the efficiency and/or influencing the final state of the system. The aim of our project is therefore to develop, implement, and apply original quantum-dynamical methods to provide a complete description of ICEC.

Link to the Kick-off meeting