Publications 2016


  1. Anomalously strong two-electron one-photon X-ray decay transitions in CO caused by avoided crossing, Couto RC, Guarise M, Nicolaou A, Jaouen N, Chiuzbăian GS, Lüning J, Ekholm V, Rubensson J-E, Såthe C, Hennies F, Kimberg V, Guimarães FF, Agren H, Gel’mukhanov F, Journel L, Simon M. Scientific Reports. 2016;6:20947. doi:10.1038/srep20947.
  2. Two-to-one Auger decay of a double L vacancy in argon, Žitnik M, Püttner R, Goldsztejn G, Bučar K, Kavčič M, Mihelič A, Marchenko T, Guillemin R, Journel L, Travnikova O, Céolin D, Piancastelli MN, Simon M. Physical Review A. 2016;93(2):21-25. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.021401.
  3. Photon-energy dependence of single-photon simultaneous core ionization and core excitation in CO2, Carniato S, Selles P, Lablanquie P, Palaudoux J, Andric L, Nakano M, Hikosaka Y, Ito K, Marchenko T, Travnikova O, Goldsztejn G, Journel L, Guillemin R, Céolin D, Simon M, Piancastelli MN, Penent F. Physical Review A. 2016;94(1):1-6. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.94.013416.
  4. Double-Core-Hole States in Neon: Lifetime, Post-Collision Interaction, and Spectral Assignment, Goldsztejn G, Marchenko T, Püttner R, Journel L, Guillemin R, Carniato S, Selles P, Travnikova O, Céolin D, Lago AF, Feifel R, Lablanquie P, Piancastelli MN, Penent F, Simon M. Physical Review Letters. 2016;117(13):1-5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.133001.
  5. Electronic state-lifetime interference in resonant Auger spectra: a tool to disentangle overlapping core-excited states, Goldsztejn G, Marchenko T, Céolin D, Journel L, Guillemin R, Rueff J-P, Kushawaha RK, Püttner R, Piancastelli MN, Simon M. Phys Chem Chem Phys. 2016;18(22):15133-15142. doi:10.1039/C6CP01998F.
  6. Hard-X-Ray-Induced Multistep Ultrafast Dissociation, Travnikova O, Marchenko T, Goldsztejn G, Jänkälä K, Sisourat N, Carniato S, Guillemin R, Journel L, Céolin D, Püttner R, Iwayama H, Shigemasa E, Piancastelli MN, Simon M. Physical Review Letters. 2016;116(21):1-5. doi:10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.213001.
  7. Detailed analysis of shake structures in the KLL Auger spectrum of H2S,      Püttner R, Céolin D, Guillemin R, Kushawaha RK, Marchenko T, Journel L, Piancastelli MN, Simon M. Physical Review A. 2016;93(4):42501. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.042501.
  8. Structural and dynamical properties of chlorinated hydrocarbons studied with resonant inelastic x-ray scattering, Bohinc R, Žitnik M, Bučar K, Kavčič M, Carniato S, Journel L, Guillemin R, Marchenko T, Kawerk E, Simon M, Cao W. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 2016;144(13):134309. doi:10.1063/1.4945402.
  9. Coupled electron-nuclear dynamics in resonant 1σ→2π x-ray Raman scattering of CO molecules, Couto RC, Guarise M, Nicolaou A, Jaouen N, Chiuzbǎian GS, Lüning J, Ekholm V, Rubensson JE, Såthe C, Hennies F, Guimarães FF, Ågren H, Gel’Mukhanov F, Journel L, Simon M, Kimberg V. Physical Review A. 2016;93(3):1-12. doi:10.1103/PhysRevA.93.032510.
  10. Charge transfer in dissociating iodomethane and fluoromethane molecules ionized by intense femtosecond X-ray pulses, R Boll, B Erk, R Coffee, S Trippel, T Kierspel, C Bomme, JD Bozek, M Burkett, S Carron, KR Ferguson, L Foucar, J Küpper, T Marchenko, C Miron, M Patanen, T Osipov, S Schorb, M Simon, M Swiggers, S Techert, K Ueda, C Bostedt, D Rolles, A Rudenko Structural Dynamics 2016; 3, 043207
  11. Imaging the temporal evolution of molecular orbitals during ultrafast dissociation, H. Sann, T. Havermeier, C. Müller, H.-K. Kim, F. Trinter, M. Waitz, J. Voigtsberger, F. Sturm, T. Bauer, R. Wallauer, D. Schneider, M. Weller, C. Goihl, J. Tross, K. Cole, J. Wu, M. S. Schöffler, H. Schmidt-Böcking, T. Jahnke, M. Simon and R. Dörner, Physical Review Letters 117, 243002 (2016)

  12. Interference effects in photoelectron asymmetry parameter (β) trends of C 2s-1 states of ethyne, ethene and ethane, P. Decleva, D. Toffoli, R. K. Kushawaha, M. MacDonald, M.-N. Piancastelli, M. Simon and L. Zuin, Journal of Physics B 49 235102 (2016)